Launch of the Atlantic campus concertation

  • Career Center
  • Le 10 juillet 2017

Online survey, digital suggestions wall, workshops... 3 key tools to give your insights!

The renovation and extension works at the Atlantic Campus have now begun. As announced, Audencia Business School’s board would like students, personnel and the site’s main users to be able to have a say in the decisions made concerning the communal areas and work spaces.

To accompany those students, faculty and staff who wish to participate in this collaboration a specialist in urban planning and architecture, Atelier Kapaa, has developed a consultation process that begins in June and ends in October.  

It uses three key tools: an online survey, a digital wall for suggestions and, finally, themed workshops. All ideas are welcome! Whether they be adopted or not, they will be taken into account by Atelier Kapaa when working on the final proposals.

  • On-line survey: until July 13, you are invited to fill out the questionnaire accessible at this link.
  • Digital suggestion wall: until September 30, post your ideas on this web link.
  • Themed workshops: from September 15, all those who have completed the questionnaire will be invited to volunteer for concertation workshops run by Atelier Kapaa.

All the contributions collected via the online survey and the suggestion wall, plus the ideas developed during the workshops, will feed into the proposed plan of action that the Atelier Kapaa will present in its final form at a General Assembly in November 2017.

This study will serve as a brief for the architectural call for tender scheduled for early 2018.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

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